The University of Warsaw is the first in the ranking of higher educational institutions in Poland. In the 2023-2024 academic year, Ukrainians are offered free education in the specialty "Ukrainian Studies".
This opportunity for Ukrainians is reported on the website of the University of Warsaw.
Refugees from the war are offered to study Ukrainian studies / Photo by EuroStudy
Ukrainians can enroll in education in two ways:
Open registration – involves registration in the IRK system, a competition for certificates of secondary education and, in the absence of a certificate of knowledge of the Polish language at a level of at least B2, an interview with the examination board. Full information on the website:
Registration for persons who left Ukraine due to hostilities and crossed the Polish border after February 23, 2022. Registration takes place using the system
For registration by way number 2, you must have a PESEL UKR number or a completed application for granting a PESEL. It is also necessary to present confirmation of arrival on the territory of the Republic of Poland after 23.02.22 (a scan of a passport or other document must be uploaded to the IRK system). In the absence of these documents, it is impossible to enroll in studies.
Find out more detailed information on the official website of the University of Warsaw.