This grate program is supported by the USAID agency, the Coursera platform, the Happy Monday project, and the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.
The portal Happy Monday informs about a unique opportunity for Ukrainians.

The program is designed for Ukrainians who want to change their profession / Screenshot from the Happy Monday website
ReSkill UA is a platform that allows you to improve your qualifications or get a new profession. The purpose of the program is further employment of participants.
What are they offering?
11 areas of study;
30 thousand scholarships;
more than 100 companies interested in hiring program graduates.
Training will take place in the following directions:
Supply chain management and logistics
Project management
Support service in retail
Cyber security
Artificial intelligence
Training will take place on the basis of the Coursera platform. Students are offered programs from the following market leaders: Google, IBM, Meta.

The list includes professions in various fields / Photo by Jimmy Nilsson Masth on Unsplash
Who can apply?
This program is designed for:
ambitious beginners;
motivated sweaters (people who want to change their profession);
young entrepreneurs.
Training can take place in an intensive form (12 hours per week) and will take 3 months. It is also possible to choose the optimal learning pace (6 hours per week). Then the full course will take 6 months.
How to apply