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Free online courses: TOP-5 platforms for learning

Non-formal education is the way to professional success. Today, more and more people are looking for lifelong learning opportunities to improve their soft and hard skills.

The YouthFutureUA project offers a selection of online resources where you can gain new knowledge for free. 1. Platform Prometheus

Screenshot from the Prometheus page

The most popular and largest platform with online courses in Ukraine. Most of them are free. You can also find in-depth paid courses with serious mentoring support.

Prometheus offers over 300 courses in business, IT, English, journalism, humanities, history, psychology, tourism, and more.

Importantly! On the Prometheus platform, courses are available for preparing for external examinations. Access to them is free.

A certificate is provided for successful completion of online courses.

2. Library of knowledge from House of Europe

Screenshot from the House of Europe page

All are welcome to view lectures about culture and creative industries: see speakers on non-formal education, culture and communities, media, audience understanding and engagement, and more.

"Watch video lectures on project management, stories of successful organizations and future trends. For the sphere of culture, creative industries, education, social entrepreneurship, media, work with youth and health care", – offered on the platform.

3. Platform EdEra

Screenshot from the EdEra page

Here you will find online courses on entrepreneurship, history, traditional Ukrainian culture and even healthy eating.

A significant number of courses are designed for teachers: you can upgrade your skills in the field of human rights, leadership, media literacy, etc.

You can also prepare for external examinations on EdEra.

4. Platform VUМonline

Screenshot from VUMonline page

There are 82 courses available on this platform. They are free.

You can improve the skills of social entrepreneurship, property management, effective thinking.

Many courses are aimed at developing a public position, economic literacy and understanding the processes taking place in the state and community.

How VUMonline works

  • Choose a course and register for it.

  • Go through each module of the course: video lecture, assignments, and check your knowledge with the help of tests. The duration of training is determined by the course instructor.

  • During the course, you will receive all accompanying information to your e-mail, which was specified when registering for the course.

  • Discuss questions you are interested in with other course participants and teachers in the forum.

  • After successful completion of the course, you will be able to download a personal certificate with a unique number and number of training hours.

Screenshot from the WiceCow page

A platform with free lectures and online courses about history, culture, film, literature, fashion and journalism.

The short and interactive format of the lectures makes learning interesting and not boring. Try watching WiceCow's lectures – it's really addictive.

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YouthFutureUA was launched by the NGO "Development Center Pangeya Ultima" (Vinnytsia, Ukraine). From July till October 2022 we are supported by the project "Civil society for Democratization", which is implemented by the Institute of Economic Research and Political Consultation with the assistance of the European Union.

Separate opinions expressed in materials or voiced at events implemented by YouthFutureUA are the personal position of the authors/speakers.

All rights are protected. © 2022 ChF YouthFutureUA

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