According to the UN, almost 2.7 million Ukrainian refugees went to Poland. Although some of the Ukrainians went further to Europe, and some have already returned home, many people continue to live in the territory of the neighboring state. We share useful information about working and studying in Poland that Ukrainians may need.
Polish people demonstrate unprecedented support for Ukrainians who suffered from Russian aggression. In Poland, Ukrainian refugees receive free housing, food, medical care, clothing, and basic necessities.
However, such support cannot last forever, and sooner or later Ukrainian refugees must look for work or enroll in education.

In Poland, Ukrainian refugees are supported in every possible way / Photo by Unsplash
According to the resource, only 20% of Ukrainian refugees have remote work, which allows them to provide for themselves and their families during their stay in Poland. Others have to look for vacancies and go to work in the host country.
Importantly. Ukrainians in Poland need to obtain refugee or temporary protection status. Another important document that you need to have is a PESEL (similar to a Ukrainian individual tax number).
Apply for temporary protection status on the official government website. The site is available in various languages, including Ukrainian.
Applicants need to fill out a questionnaire, answer some questions about leaving Ukraine, citizenship and documents.
On the same website, you can find out how to get a PESEL number.
How to find housing in Poland
Polish communities offer free temporary accommodation for Ukrainian refugees. If you are in one of these cities, contact the phone numbers:
Warsaw +48 727 805 764
Katowice +48 32 737 87 87 or +48 539 696 888
Lodz +48 42 638 59 95, +48 42 664 10 81
Opole +48 881 320 160, +48 881 320 165
Lublin +48 533 39 15 69.
Zielona Gora +48697662349
You can also search for free housing for refugees on the following services: EU4UA, ICanHelp.Host, Ukraine Take Shelt.
If you want to settle in Poland for a long time and rent an apartment, you can do it with the help of notice boards:
How to arrange a child in school
Children aged 7 to 18 have the right to study in Polish schools. For this, it is not even necessary to know the Polish language – children are offered free language lessons.
In public schools, education is free for Ukrainian children.

Ukrainian children are offered free education in schools and Polish language lessons / Unsplash photo
Parents or guardians of a child need to submit an application for studying at a Polish school:
Attach documents confirming the child's attendance at school in Ukraine to the application for admission of the child to school. It is not necessary to translate documents into Polish.
Submit all documents to the principal of the chosen school.
If you do not have documents confirming the child's education, write a statement about the total years of education of the child in a school in Ukraine and indicate the school / schools in which your child studied.
Detailed information can be found on the official website of the Polish authorities.
Free education in Poland
Even before the war, many Ukrainians were looking for opportunities to study at Polish universities. Some did it on a paid basis, while others competed for various scholarships. What are offered to Ukrainians now?
On March 12, 2022, the law on providing temporary protection to citizens of Ukraine was issued. It also discussed the possibility of free education.
However, this does not mean that all Ukrainians will be able to study at Polish universities for free for an unlimited amount of time.
The law works like this:
Its effect extends to Ukrainians who crossed the border after February 24, 2022.
Students granted temporary protection will be able to receive a tuition waiver for 18 months, starting from the day full-scale war begins (February 24, 2022).
In fact, Ukrainian refugee students will be able to study for free for one academic year (2022 / 2023).

Ukrainians can get the right to study at universities for free for a year / Photo by Unsplash
Pay attention! The right to free education will not be granted to everyone automatically!
It is necessary to consider that:
The introductory campaign in Poland takes place according to all the rules that existed before. You need to submit a certificate, pass an interview and pass an exam.
Free education will be available only at state universities, in the Polish language and at the full-time education.
Also, for everyone who plans to study in Poland, has been created a website with the rules of admission, the possibility of submitting an online application and the rules of studying at various universities.
Ability to work and study at the same time
In Poland was created a project for young Ukrainians under the name Studiujeprá Its members can work and study at the same time.
Who can participate:
Ukrainian refugees aged 18 to 25.
Young people who are studying and cannot get support from their parents.
Those who will be selected for the project are promised to compensate the full cost of education, provide housing for the entire period of cooperation, and also offer a job.
In addition, if you want to rent housing yourself, the project offers PLN 600 compensation. And also to compensate for travel expenses to the educational institution – in the amount of up to 150 zlotys per month.
To participate in the project, you need to submit an application. Participants can choose from 200 schools and universities in 85 settlements. In addition, you need to indicate where you would like to work.
How to find a job in Poland
Today, there are many projects that offer help in finding work for Ukrainian refugees.
Where to look for job offers
You can find current vacancies on various sites. Most of them have a Ukrainian version and are available even for those who do not know the Polish language.
You can also contact regional labor offices, which are located throughout the country. The site is also available in Ukrainian. The organization Zielona Linia also helps with employment.
You can also apply directly to large employers in search of work. For example, Lidl, Biedronka and Kaufland store chains invite Ukrainians to work and even publish announcements about it in Ukrainian.
Żabka stores have even created a special portal for Ukrainians, where you can view current vacancies.

Polish employers support Ukrainians / Unsplash photo
Pay attention! Most of these vacancies also require gradual learning of the Polish language.
Ukrainians can also apply to the Polish labor exchange. This is an optional procedure. However, at the labor exchange, you can apply for participation in a professional internship, undergo professional training, apply for receiving funds for entrepreneurial activities.
Is it possible to open your own business
Of course. Ukrainians who are in Poland legally and have a PESEL can engage in entrepreneurship under the same conditions as Polish citizens.
If you are afraid whether it will be possible to run a business, you can test yourself. In Poland, there is a concept of "nierejestrowana działalność gospodarcza" – for those who are just starting a business and don't know if they will succeed.
It can be conducted by those who:
receives no more than 1,505 ZLT of income per month,
during the last 5 years did not conduct business activities in Poland,
this activity does not require a special permit or license.
You can find out more about entrepreneurial activity in Poland on the website
How Ukrainians can get medical help in Poland
Ukrainian refugees in Poland have the right to receive the same medical care as Polish. Treatment for Ukrainians is free.

Ukrainians can receive free medical care in Poland / Unsplash photo
For this you need:
Have a passport of a citizen of Ukraine, in which there is a note that you crossed the border after February 24, 2022.
If you crossed the border without a passport, you must have a document confirming the date of crossing (it is issued by the Polish special services).
Importantly! Those Ukrainians who have the status of refugee or temporary protection and PESEL can receive free assistance.
Free medical care is provided at all levels, including dental services. Everyone can get Ukraine closer to victory. Help YouthFutureUA fulfill our mission, support the Ukrainian army and Ukrainians in need. Even small amounts are important. You can make it here.