The constant stress that Ukrainians are under is extremely exhausting and has a negative effect not only on the psyche, but also on the entire body. We have prepared for you a selection of simple exercises that will help you calm down during a stressful situation (for example, air anxiety).
Of course, exercise alone won't help if you continue to expose yourself to danger (for example, not going to shelter during an alarm). But with the help of these exercises, you can at least slightly improve your mental state and help yourself survive a stressful situation.
Remember! If it is extremely difficult for you to overcome stress, you feel that your body and psyche are not coping – be sure to seek help from a specialist: a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.
Anti-anxiety breathing

Slow breathing technique helps you relax / Photo by Eli DeFaria on Unsplash
For this exercise, you can look for any square or rectangular object (window, door, book, etc.). You can also draw a square on your palm with your finger or just imagine it.
In an anxious situation, try to breathe like this: while inhaling - count to 4. Then hold your breath for 4 seconds - again mentally count to 4. Then exhale: also count to 4. And again hold your breath for 4 seconds (yes, count again).
Some people simply cannot hold their breath at the beginning of the exercise: it makes them even more anxious. You can try simply inhaling and exhaling to the count of 4. Either way, the exercise will work because you are slowing down and controlling your breathing.
After all, the easiest way to calm yourself with breathing is simply to take shorter breaths and longer breaths.
The "square breathing" method can be used even several times a day, at times when you feel anxious.
Looking for items

Finding objects brings you back in touch with reality / Photo by Mario Heller on Unsplash
This method is recommended for severe stress and even panic attacks. If you feel that anxiety and panic are beginning to "cover", try to find in the room:
5 subjects or objects that can be looked at;
4 touchable objects;
3 objects or sounds that can be listened to;
2 objects that can be smelled;
1 object that can be tasted.
If you can physically touch, smell or taste something - great, definitely do it. If the situation does not allow you to do this (for example, you and a room full of people) – at least imagine how you would do it, perform the action mentally.
Tense the muscles

Gradual tension and relaxation of muscles establishes contact with the body / Photo by Ales Maze on Unsplash
Sit as comfortably as the situation allows: you can sit on a chair, sofa, or even on the floor.
Take a few slow breaths in and out to set yourself up for the exercise. This will help you relax a little. Now tense the muscles one by one.
Take a breath. Tighten the muscles of the feet. Exhale. Relax the muscles of the feet.
We are moving higher. Inhale again. Tighten the calf muscles. Exhale and relax them. Move up the body, alternately tensing and relaxing the muscles. Do not forget to combine exercise with breathing.
You can tense and relax any muscles without a turn, come up with interesting combinations and try to tense unexpected places (for example, the nose or little fingers).
If you have a stressed-out adult or child with you, try asking them to do the following exercises. You can perform together with them, it will have a positive effect on a person in stress or panic.