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Study design or immerse in IT: free educational opportunities for Ukrainians

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine, many people lost their jobs. However, Ukrainians are a unique nation that shows tremendous support for each other.

Ukrainians are offered many opportunities to change their profession or find a new job / Photo by Iewek Gnos on Unsplash

Right now, there are a lot of opportunities to study online for free. Businesses support citizens by providing access to their own courses that were previously commercial. Public organizations offer free courses on a grant basis. Choose what you need and are interested in.

We offer 3 fresh opportunities to learn something new.

1. New me/ New you project for women and girls

School of visual communication for women / Screenshot

The project positions itself as a school of visual communication and offers women and girls to improve their skills in design: graphic, motion, etc.

"This is your chance for a new life. In times of complete uncertainty, air and domestic anxiety, life in a state of war or forced emigration – in each of these cases we can help, – reported on the project page.

Learn more about the New me/New you school on the project website.

2. Get to know IT thanks to Beetroot Academy

On the course you can try 5 main IT professions / Screenshot

The listeners of this free course are offered to get acquainted with 5 main IT professions. Often people do not know what they would like to do and what profession would suit them – this is precisely why Beetroot Academy launched its own course.

Here you can try:

  • Project Management,

  • UI/UX design,

  • QA Manual,

  • Front-End and

  • Python development.

"You will get free access to the course materials, form an idea about each of the IT professions and be able to choose a new career direction in a balanced way. Study at a time convenient for you and absolutely free of charge with the sole purpose of deciding which profession to study in depth further, – reported on the website of the academy.

You can find access to the course on the website.

3. 12 humanitarian courses from Projector

Projector offers free access to video lectures / Screenshot

The Projector Online Institute offers free access to humanitarian video lectures. Here you can learn about the history of video games, anime, color theory, design history, philosophy, and even the history of television.

To view the free lectures, go to the lecture page and click the "Buy" button. The system will prompt you to log in and view the training video for free.

Look for access to free educational videos on the website.



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