Sophia ShevchenkoOct 15, 2022AdaptationThe Canadian province of Manitoba for Ukrainian refugees: why it is the best choiceThe Youthfutureua team decided to explore the possibilities of the country for Ukrainians, which is home to one of our largest diasporas -
Alina ShemchyshenaSep 9, 2022In FocusCanada: pros and cons, tips for Ukrainian refugeesДеякі українці через російську агресію прагнуть виїхати до Канади. Там пропонують безкоштовні візи, доступ до ринку праці тощо.
Sophia ShevchenkoAug 14, 2022Opportunities and supportFree tickets to Canada: how to register?The Ukraine2Canada Foundation is issuing another 300 free tickets for Ukrainians who received a CUAET emergency travel visa.
Sophia ShevchenkoJul 26, 2022AdaptationCanada for Ukrainians: free visa, financial aid, work permit - about EVERYTHING and in orderCanada has launched a temporary migration program for Ukrainians who left the country due to the Russian invasion.